Club Penguin Cheats

January 23, 2008

Rockhopper “Landed!”

Filed under: News — Tylerhere07 @ 8:37 am

You may recall that Rockhopper has crashed his ship into a chunk of ice, but that does not stop him visiting! He has bought one item which is the Life Jacket, which HE needs more than us! 😆

Rockhopper’s Boat

Also, Club Penguin have finally changed the music in the Lighthouse back! From the “Fall Fair music” (annoying) back to the “Ocean Voyage music!” Click here to hear the music! or you can go to your igloo and hear it if you are a member! 😀


I can now say that I have officially met Rockhopper fifteen times!!! I saw him three more times today, on Mammoth, Frozen and Belly Slide! This is a picture of Rockhopper in the Pizza Parlour on Belly Slide!


Until Then…Waddle On!

Tylerhere07 & Zenzia



  1. Or they could just go to my igloo to hear the music! 🙂

    Editors Comment

    Yeah… 😀

    Comment by Purple Pirate — January 23, 2008 @ 6:51 pm

  2. hi i dont do rewdewa432 anymore i do so put that on your blogroll instead

    Editors Comment

    Ok Rewdewa 😀

    Comment by rewdewaa — January 23, 2008 @ 8:19 pm

  3. Do you get the Background?

    Editors Comment

    You have to meet Capt. Rockhopper and click the winking eye 😉

    Comment by Justin — January 24, 2008 @ 12:22 am

  4. no members items 😦

    Comment by chumelo654 — January 24, 2008 @ 11:42 pm

  5. Hola!

    Can you add me to your blogroll? My site is

    Stay Pappy!

    Papp 😉

    Editors Comment

    Your all ready on there somewhere! 😉

    Comment by Pappydrewit™ — January 25, 2008 @ 11:37 am

  6. I checked out the mission thing with BB. The title of mission 6 is faded and the photo on the right is a question mark.

    Editors Comment

    Kewl, sounds *Mysticated!* lol

    Comment by Purple Pirate — January 25, 2008 @ 6:13 pm

  7. Hey Tyler!

    Can u add me to ur blogroll plz??

    the link for my site is:
    Thanks! 😉

    Editors Comment

    Yeah sure, I am generous like that! 😆

    Comment by hockeysnail — January 25, 2008 @ 9:01 pm

  8. Heya! Can you add me to ur blogroll. If yes, please call me Ploppy101. The link is:

    Thanks by the way. Also, how do you meet Rockhopper so many times?

    Comment by Ploppy101 — January 26, 2008 @ 11:07 am

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